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Explore Our Fruits

Fruits are rich source of vitamins, fibers and fructose (natural sugar). India (Bharat) is known as “Fruit basket of world”. Fruits are not just to fulfill hunger but also various medical properties and cure for range of daily lifestyle disease. Fruits are very good friendly for young, healthy, and longer lifespan. The health of skin, hair and eyes are largely depends on collagen, high quality collagen is present in fruits only. India produces varieties of fruits as per topography. Some fruits such as apple, mangoes, grapes, jackfruit, banana, papayas, watermelons, muskmelons, guavas, so on and so forth. India export of fruits for year 2021-22 was 1164603 MT.




Water Melons



Indian Pomegranate

Indian Lemon (Thin Skin)